Forerunner was the International Office in Bruxelles, which was decided by
representatives of BEL, FRA and GBR on 13.05.1913 in Gent. The 6th district
of the German Arbeiterturnerbund was also in Gent without mandate, AUT and
Trieste had declared their joining by letter.
The founding congress of the Association Socialiste Internationale
d'Education physique, planned for September 1914 in Frankfurt, did not take place because of
the First World War.
The founding congress of the finally called
Internationaler Arbeiter-Verband für Sport und Körperkultur
(International Workers' Association for Sports and Physical Culture) took
place on 13.-14.09.1920 in Luzern with representatives from BEL, FIN, FRA,
GER, GBR, SUI and TCH (DTJ). The organization was also known as
Luzerner Sportinternationale (Lucerne Sport International) or abbreviated
On 02.11.1925 at the Congress in Paris, the association changed its name to
Internationaler sozialistischer Verband für Arbeitersport und
Körperkultur (International Socialist Association for Workers' Sports and Physical
Culture). On 08.01.1928 the association changed its name again in
Sozialistische Arbeitersport Internationale (SASI) (Socialist Workers' Sport
Some month before the 1st Workers' Olympiad, there was a vehement
controversy with the communist Red Sport International (RSI). On
03.06.1925, the RSI demanded the unconditional invitation to the Olympiad.
On 17.06., the LSI responded, the RSI needs only to join the LSI. The 1925
Paris congress of the Lucerne Sports International considered that an
agreement with the RSI was currently impossible and prohibited events with
its members.
After a period of improving relations in 1926, the 4th congress
of the LSI, August 1927 in Helsinki, terminated the contacts with the RSI
finally. Only after the Nazi take over in Germany, starting with the Paris
athletes march against fascism (in which also athletes of the RSI
participated), it came to an approximation again.
On 01.03.1935, negotiations started between representatives of SASI
(objective: cooperation) and RSI (objective: union) in Praha. (Meanwhile
the secretariats of both associations were located in Praha - SASI since
1927 with secretary Silaba and RSI with secretary Aksamit.) At the second
meeting on 06.09.1935, a joint appeal was released "Athletes and gymnasts
of the world to boycott the Hitler Olympics". The SASI conference
(30.11./01.12.1935 in Praha) approved the negotiations, thereby clearing
the way for the resumption of relations with the RSI. For the first time,
the RSI-affiliated associations (with the exception of the Czechoslovak
FPT) and other workers' sports federations, which belonged to neither of
the two internationals, took part in the 3rd Workers' Olympiad in
With the beginning of the Second World War, the SASI collapsed.
1929: 24 national federations with 1.701.926 members:
AUT - Arbeiterbund für Sport und Körperkultur in Österreich
BEL - Fédération Ouvrière Socialiste d'Education Physique,
Sportive et Morale
DEN - Arbejderns Idraefs Forbund of Danmark
EST - Eesti Töölisspordi Liit
FIN - Työväen Urheiluliitto (TUL)
FRA - Union des Sociétés Sportives et Gymniques du Travail
FRA - Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail d'Alsace et de
Lorraine (Alsace and Lorraine)
FRA - Fédération Sportive du Travail d'Alsace et de Lorraine
(Alsace and Lorraine)
GER - Zentralkommission für Arbeitersport und Körperpflege
GBR - British Workers Sports Federation
HUN - Munkás Testedzö Egyesület
Mandatory Palestine - Hitagduth l'Tarbuth Gu Zanie „Hapoel"
NED - Nederlandsche Arbeiders Sportbond
ROU - Uniunea Societatilor Sportive Muncitoresti den Romania (since 1930)
POL - Związek Robotniczych Stowarzyszen Sportowych (Polish)
POL - Arbeter gezelshaft far fizisher dertsiung "morgnshtern" in poyln (Jewish)
POL - Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportbund (German)
POL - Holowna Luhowa Rada (Ukrain)
LAT - Stradnieku Sports un Sargs
SUI - Schweizerischer Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportverband (SATUS)
TCH - Arbeiter-Turn- und Sportverband in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik
TCH - Svaz Delnických telocvicných jednot českoslov (Czech)
USA - Workers Gymnastic and Sport Alliance
USA - Workers Sports League of America (since 1937)
YUG - Splošna delavska izobraževalna zveza za Slovenijo
Head of the International Bureau | |
13.05.1913 - | Saint Venant FRA and Gaston Bridoux BEL |
Chairman of LSI | |
13.09.1920 - 09.08.1927 | Gaston Bridoux BEL |
09.08.1927 - 08.01.1928 | Dr. Julius Deutsch AUT and Cornelius Gellert GER |
President of SASI | |
08.01.1928 - 06.05.1933 | Dr. Julius Deutsch AUT and Cornelius Gellert GER |
06.05.1933 - 07.10.1934 | Dr. Julius Deutsch AUT and Albert Guillevic FRA |
07.10.1934 - | Dr. Julius Deutsch AUT |
The further progression after the World War II is not the concern of my web site.
Last modified: 20.01.2022